Tcophony - Solitary Walk Special Edition
Table of Contents
Filename: tcophony-solitary-walk-special-edition.rar- MP3 size: 162.4 mb
- FLAC size: 1229.6 mb
Track | Duration | Preview |
Forgotten | 4:19 | |
Orbit | 3:22 | |
Dizzy Spells | 2:10 | |
Sprint | 3:3 | |
Introvert's Holiday | 2:40 | |
Soar | 3:10 | |
Polygon Space | 4:7 | |
Fall Leaves (Piano Version) | 2:51 | |
Solitary Walk | 2:49 | |
Mental Magic Box | 2:30 | |
Introvert's Holiday | 2:40 | |
The Last by Lying on My Back | 2:39 | |
Fall Leaves | 2:55 | |
The Last By Lying On My Back | 2:39 | |
Obsessive | 3:1 | |
Softener | 2:46 | |
Summer Train (New Version) | 1:47 | |
Sprint (Acoustic Version) | 2:43 | |
Secret Ability | 3:16 | |
Module | 3:38 | |
Gray | 2:43 | |
14days For Life (New Version) | 3:12 | |
Unsociable | 3:23 | |
Wet Under Head | 3:12 | |
Re Cold Night | 3:5 | |
Overcast | 2:42 | |
14days for Life (New Version) | 3:12 | |
Night Express | 3:26 | |
Closed (Long Version) | 4:0 |
T-cophony album Solitary walk (Special edition) Trailer video
Forgotten - T-cophony (demo play) 2015
Sprint - T-cophony (Official Music Video) 2015
Dizzy Spells - T-cophony (solo play) 2014
Softener - T-cophony (official music video) 2015
Secret ability - T-cophony (Official music video) 2014
Solitary walk - T-cophony (Official music video) 2014
Soar - T-cophony (solo play) 2014
T-cophony New album Solitary walk trailer video (version2) 2014
Gray - T-cophony (solo play) 2013
Wet under head
Fall leaves - T-cophony (Official music video)
Polygon space - T-cophony (Official music video)
Softener - T-cophony (solo play) 2014

Catalog Numbers
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- CDr
- Album
- Limited Edition
- Stereo File
- MP3
- Stereo
Role | Credit |
Composed By | T-cophony |
- アコースティックギター・インスト界で独自のジャンルと地位を築き上げてきたT-cophonyの2014年新作!
- 昨年、5年ぶりに"Sharing the emotion"、"Unknown Coloration"に続いて全国一般流通アルバムとして某レーベルからリリースされた"Solitary walk"の自主制作・リリース盤が早くも登場!
- 国民的人気TV番組でも披露されたダブルネックギターによる人気曲"Closed"をロングバージョンで収録。洗礼されたタッピング奏法に加え、アコギインストらしからぬツイン・バスドラムやドリルンベースを彷彿させる複雑なリズムワーク、疾走感のあるハードなナンバーから哀愁感漂うしっとりとした楽曲までこれまで同様にT-cophonyワールド全開のアルバムとなっております。更にエレクトロニカ・アンビエント作品やエレキギターによるハードロックインストゥルメンタル作品も収録。
- 今作のピックアップチューンでもある4曲目Secret abilityでは何かの始まりを連想させる静かな前半とは対照的に後半はT-cophonyの真骨頂とも言えるタッピングとテクノライクなサウンドが上手く絡まった独特のアコギロックを展開!
- タイトルチューンの8曲目Solitary walkはT-cophonyファンなら誰もが納得する様なテクニック満載のアコギ一本による勢いのあるナンバー。
- 続く9曲Mental magic boxでは打って変わって情感溢れる美しくもシンプルなメロディーを聴くことが出来ます。
- そして今作、Closedの他にもう一曲T-cophonyの代名詞とも言えるダブルネックギターによって演奏されているのが11曲目Gray。ダブルネックならではの広がりのあるサウンドを存分に活かした浮遊感と胸が締め付けられる様な切ないメロディーラインが相まった素晴らしい楽曲です。
- それから特にお勧めしたいのが12曲目Polygon space。アコギの乾いた音にツイン・バスドラム、近代的なシンセサウンドに頭を立てに振ってノレる爽快さは、まさにこれぞT-cophonyと言った1曲。世界中のアコギインスト好きを驚かせた独自の世界観をきっと知る事が出来るでしょう。
- 13曲Fall leavesは某ギター雑誌にも楽譜と共に掲載された人気曲。クラシック音楽にも通ずる様な美しい旋律、タイトル通りの光景が目に浮かぶ綺麗なバラード。
- T-cophony自身がインタビューなどで「一瞬にして別の場所へ飛べる様な曲を作りたい」と言うのがまさにわかる1曲です。
- そして、この自主制作盤(スペシャルエディション)にはダウンロード版のみに収録されていた通常パッケージ盤未収録の5曲を追加!
- 昨年のインストアイベントやYouTubeの動画で大反響だったアコギソロ曲"Softener"を収録! 究極の変則チューニングに加え、まるでギターネックの上を舞うかの様な独特な手さばきから繰り出される異次元のアコギサウンドは必聴です!
- 全25曲、CD収録可能時間、目一杯の77分!
- これまで同様、作曲は勿論、全ての楽器パート、ミックスからマスタリング、そしてアルバムのアートワークに至るまでT-cophony自身が一人でこなしてます。
- ASIN: B00T49585A
- Barcode: 4562265490775
About Tcophony
T-cophony (Official Biography by R.Yeco)
Since he was quite young his parents led him to listen various kinds of music, such as hard rock, heavy metal, classic, electric music and traditional music etc. In addition to this, they took him to many music concerts. When he was six, he started going to drum lessons near their house and kept having the lessons for about six years. However, one day the class had moved to somewhere else, so he ended up quitting.
He was engaged in drawing pictures after for a while when he was 14 years old, and one day he found a little guitar which was given as a present by his dad a long time ago behind a chest and he then started playing it. At that time, his parents led him to listen to pops and hard rock music from the 60s to 80s. On the other hand, he preferred to listen to alternative rock and electronica / ambient and tried to play those songs everyday by copying them simply by watching them.
His guitar technique was almost completed by the time he entered high school. The audio sources which he created at that time are available to listen to on his public website or his first independent album. He talked about why he started focusing on acoustic guitar ? which he now plays - at that time. The reason was because the electric guitars circuit always broke down and he got sick of fixing it. As a result, he found something new about the possibility of the way of expression with the acoustic guitar which was different to the electric guitar, and he really started songwriting focusing on this.
He revealed that he was suffering from a mental illness on his website. So he announced A person in the water, in which he expressed the side effects of the sleeping pills and tranquilizer medication by using the music and movies.
Since 2005, he made another artists name by putting his real names initials and a English word which means Cacophony together and converted it to a coined word. So then he started releasing many of his musical compositions which hed saved up by that time on the Internet.
He told about the reason why he liked focusing on releasing his music works as below.
Ive been controlling my mental illness well by listening to my own music for reminding myself of various memories. I can transform the present to some different time and place from where I am now. When I listen to my music, I can be in a different place. Because all the musical works were written only for me, I didnt mean to release them to the public. But I realized that if I released the albums, my music would remain in the world forever and I can share my emotion with a lot of people in the world. Now I feel it is quite stimulating. I found that benefit isnt always about money.
King Of SOLO ACOUSTIC Mathrock!!!!!!!!!!
Can someone identify this guitar model for me please? Thanks.
And that's nylon??
And that's nylon??
T-cophony, Ты мой любимый гитарист после Justin King'а. Я тебя обожаю, твоя музыка - чистая любовь
Love your work.
Sheesh super underrated… who else just got here from the xtal covers? Kinda sad that I only found this because of a cover of a very famous song I was searching
:) i'm happy that you're also uploading in spotify
Absolutely Awesome. :)
Hello, What brand is your guitar?
Beautiful song.
Love this Simple tune, as you call it !
Awesome as always!
Please post a full version of "May not come home tonight". That song is amazing!
T-cophony, я тебя обожаю. Твоя музыка наполнена светом, счастьем и радостью.
Anyone else find it weird that the album is called "Solitary Walk" but he's playing with a band in the video?
Super-great music, but the continuous camera movement makes me feel dizzy... terrible movie direction...